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Litovchenko Alexander Dmitrievich (1835-1890), Saddle decorated with jewels,
Kalmykov Georhy Odisseevich (1873 - ), Seascape with a Boat and Cliffs,
Tsionglinsky Yan Frantsevich (1858-1912), Acropolis,
Klodt Mikhail Petrovich (1835-1914), Catholic Monk,
Kuchumov Vassily Nikitovich (1888-1959), D,G, Levitsky Hall in the Russian Museum,
Byalynitsky-Birulya Vitold Kaetanovich (1872-1957),
Byalynitsky-Birulya Vitold Kaetanovich (1872-1957),
Navozov Vassily Ivanovich (1862-1919), Sergiev Posad, 1889,
Avilov Mikhail Ivanovich (1882-1954), Attack, 1910s,
Vinogradov Sergey Arsenievich (1869-1938), Dam, oil on canvas, 30,
Alexandrovsky Stepan Fedorovich (1842-1906), In the Pub,
Fotinsky, Sergey (1887-1971), Big Boulevards, Gouache on paper, 149х119,
Frenz Rudolf Fedorovich (1831-1918), In Paril, watercolour on paper,
Dalaktorsky S, Seascape, Watercolour on paper, 26х43,
Gershanik Roman Vassilievch (1898-1984), Gutsul Girl, pastel on paper, 59х39,
Unknow master, Portrait of Admiral Makarov, 1904, Pencil on paper, 29х36,
Protopopov (Nikolai Andrianovich ?), The Black Sea,
Rudakov Konstantin Ivanovich (1891-1949), Double-sided drawing The Arrival of the Governess,
Shchekatikhina-Potozkaya Alexandra Vassilievna (1892-1967),
Rylov Arkady Alexandrovich (1870-1939), Landscape with a Boat,
Bobrov Viktor Alexeevich (1842-1942), Dressing Lady,
Pichugin Sergey Ivanovich (1881-1971), View of the Holy Trinity St,
Vlasov Vassily Adrianovich (1905-1979), Non-Commissioned Officer of the Semenovsky Regiment,
Vlasov Vassily Adrianovich (1905-1979), French Cuirassier,
Vlasov Vassily Adrianovich (1905-1979), Grenadier of the Pavlovsky Regiment,
А, Кon, A Jew Holding a Coin, Indian ink, pen on paper, 18х13,
А, Kobn, A Jew Wearing a Hat with Birds on it, Indian ink, pen on paper, 18,
А, Коn, Piquant Scene, Indian ink, pen, watercolour on paper,
Zeger, a series of 17 drawings, Indian ink, pen on paper,
Prorokov Boris Ivanovich (1911-1972), Sketch to a satirical article,
Makarov F, Confession, 1886, Oil on canvas, 71,6х54,
Unknow artist, V, Belyaev (?), Alley, Oil on canvas,
Unknown artist, On a Hill Slope, Oil on canvas, 27х35,
Francois Watteau, dit Watteau de Lille (1758-1823),
Joseph van Bredael (1688-1739), Gallant Scene by the Fountain, oil on wood (oak), 24,
Balthasar van den Bossche (1681-1715), Drawing Lesson, oil on canvas, 36,
Jan Carel Vierpyl, Company in the park terrace, Oil on canvas,
Johann Georg Trautmann (1713-1769), Wounded Officer,
F,Zikminn,Still Life with Roses, Oil on canvas, 77,
G, Berghauer, Germander, oil on canvas laid on board, 64х95,
Unknown artist, Portrait, Western Europe, last quarter 19th century, oil on zinc,
W,H,Harriot, Boat on the Berth, 1899, Watercolour on paper,
O,Oakley, Portrait of a Young Lady, watercolour on paper,
Kuhnert, Wilham (1865-1926), Lion Having a Rest, Oil on canvas,
C, Plastenstener, Alpine Landscape, Oil on canvas, 34,
Unknown artist, Taking a Rest in the Forest, Oil on canvas,
O, Gehug, Countryside landscape, Oil on canvas, 40х64,
A pair of landscapes, Boat trip, Mixed media on paper, 57,
A pair of landscapes, At the Foothill of the Alps,
С, Munch, Still Life with Flowers, Watercolour on paper, 52,
Unknown artist, Copy of the painting The Union of Earth and Water by Peter Paul Rubens,
Marie Wagner, Evening Landscape with Capuchin Monastery,
Unknown artist, On the Berth, Western Europe, 1927,
Krachkovsky Iosif Evstafievich (1854-1914), Seascape,
Krachkovsky Iosif Evstafievich (1854-1914), Crimean Landscape,
Meshchersky Arseny Ivanovich (1834-1902), Mountain Settlement, oil on canvas, 42,
Bakst? Costume Sketch, Russia, early 20th century,
Perepletchikov Vassily Vassilievich (1863-1918), Countryside landscape,
Unknown artist, Ancient Scene, Pencil on paper, 64х97,
Isupov Alexey Vladimirovich (1889-1957), Winter, Countryside Landscape,
Altman Natan Isaevitch (1889-1970), Nature morte avec un rideau rouge,
Kiselev Aleksandr Aleksandrovitch (1838-1911), Lapres-midi dete,
Bogolubov Aleksey Petrovitch (1824-1896), Soleil couchant au -dessus de la riviere,
Levitan Isaak Ilich (1860-1900), Paysage dete, Huile sur toile,
Kondratenko Gavriil Pavlovitch (1854-1924), Solei couchant au-dessus de la riviere,
Heem, Cornelis de (1631-1695), Une guirlande des fleurs,
Baranov Rossine Vladimir Davidovitch (1888-1942), La maison au bord de la mer,
Clodt Mikail Petrovitch (1835-1914), Divination pendant les fetes de Noel,
Brouni Fedor Antonovitch (1799-1875), Une composition allegorique de putti,
Somov Konstantine Andreevitch (1869-1939), La crepuscule,
Joukovskiy Stanislave Yulianovitch (1873-1944), Lac de la foret,
Litovchenko Aleksandr Dmitrievitch (1835-1890), Cavalier orne par les bijoux,
Kalmikov George Odiseevitch (1873 - ) Vue sur mer avec un bateau et les rochers,
Tsionglinskiy Yan Frtsevitch (1858-1912) Acropole,
Clodt Mikail Petrovitch (1835-1914), Labbe catholique,
Koutchoumov Vasiliy Nikitovich (1888-1959) Salle de Levitskiy D,
Bialinitskiy-Biroulia Vitold Kaetanovitch (1872-1957),
Bialinitskiy-Biroula Vitold Kaetanovitch (1872-1957),
Navosov Vasiliy Ivanovitch (1862-1919), Serguev Possad,
Avilov Mikail Ivanovitch (1882-1954) Ataque, 1910,
Vinogradov Serge Arsenievitch (1869-1938), Le barrage,
Aleksandrovskiy Stepan Fedorovitch (1842-1906), Dans une taverne,
Fotinsky Serge (1887-1971), De grands boulevards, Papier, gouache,
Frents Roudolf Fedorovitch (1831-1918), En avril, Papier, aquarelle,
Dalaktorskiy S, Vue sur mer, Papier, aquarelle, 26o43,5,
Guerchannik Roman Vasilievitch (1898-1984), Une jeune goutsoulka,
Peintre inconnu, Le portrait de lofficier general Makarov,
Protopopov (Nikolai Andrianovitch ?), Mer noire, Les navires pres du quai,
Roudakov Konstantin Ivanovitch (1891-1949), Une image bilaterale Larrivee de la gouvernante,
Chekatikina-Pototskaya Aleksandra Vasilievna (1892-1967) Les epines,
Rilov Arkadiy Aleksandrovitch (1870-1939), Paysage avec un bateau,
Bobrov Viktor Alekseevitch (1842-1942), Une dame qui fait sa toilette,
Pitchouguine Serguei Ivanovitch (1881-1971), La vue sur le monastere de Troitse-Sergiev,
Vlasov Vasiliy Adrianovitch (1905-1979), Le sous-officier du regiment Semenovsky,
Vlasov Vasiliy Adrianovitch (1905-1979), Un cuirassier francais,
Vlasov Vasiliy Adrianovitch (1905-1979), Un grenadier du regiment Pavlovskiy,
A, Kon, Un juif avec une piece, Papier, encre de Chine, plume,
A, Ein, Un juif en chapeau avec les oiseaux, Papier, encre de Chine, plume,
A, Ein, Une scene piquante, Papier, encre de Chine, aquarelle,
Tseguer, Une serie de 17 images, Papier, dessin a plume et encre de chine,

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